Wellness and sleep

Mar 27, 2023 | Lifestyle

An essential combination

March is the month that marks the transition from winter to spring. An elementary observation, if you will, but what happens in our lives in this period is always something exciting and complex. Especially in this historic moment characterized by pandemic dynamics and many other concerns, which inevitably affect our health. We seem to experience the usual situations a little but in an unusual and precarious context. For this we must pay attention to those factors that can put us in a position to stabilize our psychophysical state, to face each day with confidence and vigor.

In this process we always consult specialist doctors and certified professionals in the sector, they are the ones who will give us the answers we seek.

Wellness and physical activity

In spring, nature awakens and we with it: respecting it means improving our lives. Let’s abandon the idea of ​​being able to exploit the Earth’s resources indefinitely and seek a balance based on renewed perspectives and respect of the needs of the ecosystem, because, in reality, they concern us directly. Let’s cultivate a positive thought towards the planet and ourselves; we can take the first step in this direction right in nature. Walking in the open air, breathing in a place surrounded by greenery, without necessarily thinking about performance, can give us back a more functional time of action for the recovery of our well-being. Let us, therefore, dedicate ourselves to alow-intensity physical activity, on a regular basis. We can do it alone, but also with other people, it will become a good opportunity to socialize. Let’s focus on what we see around us, direct contact with this type of habitat will give us a different perspective on environmental factors and greater awareness of their importance for our everyday life .

Let’s not forget to exclude all devices: mute the smartphoneit will be regenerating.
Physical activity is also really important for the mind: it produces endorphins, the so-called feel-good hormones, which have a positive effect on our mood.

Plant-based diet: we eat healthy while respecting the environment

When we get home, let’s prepare a good dish, but let’s try to cook products at 0 km. One of the latest trends in healthy eating is to limit as much as possible the presence of very refined or industrial foods in the daily menu, favoring what comes from organic farming and choosing obviously cruelty-free products from animal products. It’s the so-called Plant-based diet, which puts an ethical approach on the scale. It can be good for our health and the environment.

Sleep well to live better

Good physical activity and healthy eating are closely linked to rest during the night. Here too, quality is decisive. It’s worth remembering that sleep should take up about a third of our 24 hours. Traveling for work, on vacation or simply at home, sleep remains one of the most important moments for everyone. The main advice is  to respect circadian rhythms, giving due importance to the alternation between light and dark, day and night, sleep and wakefulness , because they are decisive for the body and mind.

When we plan a trip let us find out what services we will have available in the hotel where we will stay and among these we put the quality of the bedmattress and pillow first. It is not a detail and, by now, many accommodation facilities are taking care of this aspect with great professionalism. The virtues of a mattress shouldn’t be underestimated, not even at home, because a bad awakening is the consequence of a bad night spent tossing and turning to find the right position, the right comfort. There are mattresses that overcome this drawback and Morfeus has been designing and manufacturing them for decades, placing the use of environmentally friendly materials.

Improving the degree of awareness of our basic needs allows us to increase the well-being that we often seek in vain. We better identify our priorities and try to achieve them, with attention and simplicity.

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