The consequences of the lockdown

Mar 27, 2023 | Lifestyle

The new post-pandemic needs

Maybe we are not realizing it but our house is transforming . Look around you: these are small but substantial changes . As we know, the pandemic dynamics have affected our lives in the last three years; some of our habits have been conditioned. If before we went out to go to work or to the gym , now we often carry out the same activities at home, after having carried out an adequate and inevitable reorganization of the spaces. We rolled up our sleeves to design new areas dedicated to smart working or fitness that didn’t exist before, rediscovering our most creative side out of necessity. Like experienced interior designerswe began to make the most of all the potential of our home , until then half-hidden from our eyes, only in this way was the bedroom able to permanently become the playroom for the children as well .

The bedroom: one room, lots of potential
The sleeping area has proved to be a part of the house that is particularly suitable for accommodating multiple activities at different times of the day. This is why we are increasingly moving towards the purchase of convertible beds , mobile desks , foldaway wardrobes and modular bookcases . At the beginning of the pandemic, between lockdowns and quarantines , there was an inevitable adjustment phase due to the circumstances, but as the months went by, we realized that change is an opportunity to redesign a new habitability and recover pleasure. that perhaps we had lost a little, to live fullythe most important moments of our daily lives in a more domestic but no less engaging dimension.

The bedroom: a room on the move
About the bedroom : the latest trends, reported during the 2022 edition of the Salone del Mobile , highlight how essential it is to choose the most useful furnishings to build an environment that knows how transform itself , so much so that we could define it as a real room on the move , with innovative furniture . For example, a nice and practical bookcase shouldn’t be missing : to arrange the novels we want to read before falling asleep and our children’s school textbooks, which can be consulted during the afternoon during the hours dedicated to study.

But it’s still a room to sleep in! Sure, and so, in the evening, it must once again become the place of dreams: just open the pouf and the bed is ready !

Tips for sleeping better
The appointment with rest is essential and should be favored through the adoption of easy and functional measures. Today, perhaps, we feel the need even more than in the past.

Have you ever thought of perfumes as possible remedies for insomnia ? They can be a real source of well-being, especially those fragrances that have properties particularly suitable for promoting sleep. Vaporize the contents of the pillow mist or, as the French say, brume d’orellier on your pillows and you can spend a night where the relaxing and calming aromatic notes of English lavender or chamomile will triumph .

To achieve healthy relaxation, dose the nuances of the walls and furniture wisely ; in this case the armocromia is a valid aid to orient yourself in the fascinating universe of chromatic perception.

After a day spent running between one commitment and another, we must give our body a balanced physical and mental recovery. Morfeus , a specialist in innovation applied to comfort for sleeping in harmony, produces mattresses and pillows that will put you totally at ease, transforming your bed into an oasis of peace .

Let’s take care of ourselves
We have to go back to taking care of ourselves in an increasingly modern home, where every corner can become even more beautiful, useful and comfortable. We embrace the idea of ​​opening up to new things, of changing points of view , taking care of the choice of new furnishings , if necessary, or of repositioning the old ones or adapting them, without neglecting any detail. Among the new watchwords for a cozy home are imagination , rationality and flexibility : they will restore character to the home and, above all, they will help us put things back in their place, ready to be used to their full potential.

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