Be the change

The mission of Anterem by Morfeus is to create high-quality and impeccably manufactured sleep products that are sustainable and respectful of the environment, which also incorporates broader ecological and social considerations on people’s lives and well-being and on their intrinsic design and project philosophy. You will discover the value of your choice and how each can be a trim-tab of change. You will use your splendid Anterem sleeping system for many years and, when its life cycle ends, its precious materials can be recovered and recycled to recreate new quality materials while respecting and protecting the environment.

The main factor of deforestation is agriculture and the cultivation of vegetable fibers for clothing

Our commitment is to have our viscose (used in a high percentage in the fabrics of Anterem mattresses) produced in a sustainable way in order to protect the forests and the species that live there, ensuring that it comes from sustainably managed forests.

The primary supply chain of sustainable viscose yarns is fully traceable, transparent and entirely European. Carefully process the pulp from trees that come from FSC-certified forests in Europe, which are neither ancient nor endangered.

The pulp is first drawn into a viscose filament and then transformed into fabric in Italy. This gives us an unprecedented level of traceability and ensures that we are not directly or indirectly contributing to the destruction of forests.

All the weight of a dead part of a plant returns as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere

Global greenhouse gas emissions attributable to deforestation

Trees cut down every year to create fabrics, deforest land to grow cotton and for breeding

Project “Foresta Morfeus”

We wanted to help absorb the emissions caused by the production and distribution process of the double mattresses of the Anterem collection. We will do this by planting trees that as they grow will produce oxygen, improving the air we all breathe. This is why Morfeus has decided to create the “Morfeus Forest” together with TREEDOM, which will plant a tree for every ten Anterem mattresses produced. The tree will be planted in developing countries in Asia, Africa or Latin America, contributing to the achievement of the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations for 2030.

100% sustainable viscose fabric

Viscose fiber is obtained from the bark of Eucalyptus and Beech plants, which are grown in sustainable plantations capable of ensuring a particularly high yield compared to the water consumption necessary for tree growth. The bark is shredded and transformed into cellulose pulp, to then be immersed in an acidic, non-toxic solution, which produces a sustainable and quality viscose, unlike what happens in the production process of classic viscose.

ClimaTech: Hi-tech padding in second life fiber

The precious virgin textile scraps, composed of high quality raw materials, generated by the Morfeus production processes, are selected by type and mixed according to an exclusive qualitative formula. They are processed within a complex and articulated exclusively mechanical and non-chemical recycling process. Climatech padding is recyclable at the end of the product’s life to regain high quality fibers.