
Vigor is the wooden net with a multilayer frame, rectangular profile 60 × 30 mm, with 45° angular cut protected, especially in plastic. Special 3D tilting suspensions positioned in the shoulder area give a delicate and calibrated support. Mini-slats of 25 mm are mounted on tri-lamellar suspension in SBS, with 2 more sustained slats in the lordosis area and 6 slats with hardness adjusters customizable in the pelvis area. The Vigor bed base is available in the extra fixed version, extra T / P version with manual adjustment head/feet and in the extra ELETTRA version with electric adjustment head/feet.




Standard height

Standard height: 35 cm with feet h. 25 cm.


Heights available

Available h. 30 cm (bed base height 40 cm) and h. 35 cm (bed base height 45 cm).


Adjustable slats

Stiffness adjusters on pelvis slats and shoulder suspensions.

Vigor Extra FIX


Supporting frame in multilayer wood rectangular profile mm. 60×30, with 45 ° angle cut with particular plastic finishing and accident prevention protection.

Vigor Extra T/P


Supporting frame in multilayer wood rectangular profile mm. 60×30, with 45 ° angle cut with particular plastic finishing and accident prevention protection. Internal counter frame with 3 joints for manual adjustment of the inclination of the torso and legs in different relaxation positions.

Vigor Extra Antireflux is also available as an option, recommended for people suffering from reflux or cardias free. The bed base has a single joint in the foot area that allows a linear inclination of the support surface.

Vigor Extra ELETTRA


Telaio portante in legno multistrato profilo rettangolare mm. 60×30, con taglio angolare 45° con particolare plastico di rifinitura e protezione antinfortunistico. Controtelaio interno a 5 snodi per regolazione elettrica dell’inclinazione del busto e delle gambe in diverse posizioni relax.

Il telecomando a filo comanda il silenzioso e robusto motore elettrico a bassa tensione, munito di sistema di sblocco per completare abbassamento anche in mancanza di corrente. Nella versione Matrimoniale la rete è comandata da due motori e due telecomandi a filo per il movimento indipendente delle due parti.


Special 3D tilting suspensions positioned in the shoulder area give a delicate and calibrated support. Mini-slats of 25 mm are mounted on a tri-lamellar suspension in SBS (special plastic material with guaranteed long-lasting elasticity), with 2 more sustained slats in the lordosis area. In the pelvis area there are 6 slats with hardness adjusters customizable and internal wedge adjustment system (to increase / decrease the lateral Firmness of the suspension in Soft / Medium / Firm mode – right side and left side) that allow perfect individual customization.

A suitable support for the product is the Bios wooden frame base in its fixed version: with its adjustments it enhances the quality of the mattress.

Find out which pillows in Memory, Aquacell, Latex and Feather you can combine with your mattress for maximum comfort.

Discover the STARS collection of sheets and linen for your mattress. High angle bottom sheets are also available for thick mattresses.